Healing Life Coach
Spring – Sowing Your Seeds

Spring – Sowing Your Seeds

“Our soul’s purpose lives in our body, deep within the root of our being where we carry our piece of the original spark of life. Like bulbs in the ground and buds on the trees, that spark of your soul’s purpose wants to rise up and out of you, blossoming into an expression of your unique gifts given to the world.


The irritation and restless energy that we feel in the springtime is more than cabin fever and a lust for newness. It is the energy of the your Inner Self needing to dream true and instead finding the need to detoxify the winter’s crop of old energies, ideas, and beliefs.” Christina Pratt Why Shamanism Now www.whyshamanismnow.com

For our seeds to take root and blossom we must prepare the soil. This requires bringing in the nutrients of our essence energies and aligning with the things we know we cannot live without. It also involves fertilizing the soil with the release of aspects of our self that no longer serve us or are outdated by our growth. And most important of all, we must plant the right seeds, the seeds that resonate with our authentic true nature.

Now is the time to de-clutter our lives, Clear all the spaces, and items that no longer serves us.  Hoarding is a great indicator of what our internal lives reflect.  So get clearing. Take an hour of your day clearing your office space and home.  Open the way for new energy to emerge into your life.  Allow for your dreams or goals to have space to emerge.

Here are a couple of tips I give to clients and may be of use to you:

  1. De-clatter – ask yourself some tough questions and decide on what your time frame reference will be.  For instance “Have I used this item in the past six months?” or “Am I likely to us this in the next six months?” if your answer is a no, then take it out or donate it to charity


2. Once that is complete – rearrange your space.


3.   Delete old contacts from your mobile devices, email contact list  etc.  Chances are, you have not made contact with them for over six months, chances are you not likely to.


4. Once all this is completed, decide on three seeds (goals or dreams) you would like to focus your attention on in the next twelve months.  The idea here is to keep it simple.  Once you have your seeds ready, it’s time to go gardening.

5. Nurture your seeds.  Select three crystals (or pebbles) or seeds, find a quite place in the garden or window pot holder and plant your seeds.  Ask your spiritual guides or helping spirits or Power animals to assist you in manifesting your goals.

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Finally, once you have this is place, begin acting on your goals or dreams.  Draw up a to-do list or a vision board.  Above all, Expect a Miracle and believe in magic.

nature your goals

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