Rites of Passage
“Since time immemorial, people have gone to the wilderness to seek guidance and renewal, to let their old lives and old selves die, to find the conditions where spirit may be rekindled, reborn within them.”
There comes a time when you must leave family, friends and work behind and go off alone, looking within to discover your changes in the circle of life. The Vision Quest is the name of this journey. An ancient ceremony, the Vision Quest enables men, women and youth to engage in a sacred journey, completion of an old life, movement through the threshold of the unknown, and return to the world reborn. People in any life state or transition will find meaning in this powerful process.
What you will learn:
• Why the solitude
• The significance of immersion in nature
• The purpose of Fasting
• The significance of a sweat lodge
• The importance of community
• Importance of intention vis. goals
Suitable for anyone AND a valuable preparation workshop for anyone contemplating the Vision Quest retreat in March 14 – 16 2014.
Date: Saturday 8 February
Time: 14:30 – 17:00
Investment: R70.00
Space is limited, essential to book and secure your space by emailing ursulavg@gmail.com: